Skyguide, Switzerland's air navigation service provider, managed and monitored 556 839 flights under instrument flight rules (IFR) in the first half of 2023. This represents a year-on-year increase of 6.7%, and a decline of 11.8% with respect to the first half of 2019. Air traffic in the airspace above Switzerland and in the delegated areas managed by Skyguide recovered at a high rate the first two months of the year, with steady growth also in March and April, and then stagnation in May and June, reaching 90.5% of 2019 traffic levels (month-on-month) by the end of the first semester. 98.2% of all flights handled by Skyguide were punctual, which is 1 point above the punctuality of the first half of 2019. The stagnation in growth these past two months can be attributed partly to the severe weather affecting all of Europe, as well as the ATC strikes in France since 19th of January, which have greatly impacted the traffic in Geneva ACC.